Sustainability at KRASO GmbH & Co. KG
The topic of sustainability is rapidly gaining in importance. If we want to preserve our basis of life for the future, we must use our resources sparingly and limit our emissions. This is a task for society and the economy as a whole, and one to which we also feel obliged. We want to be a role model in this and therefore constantly optimise our processes and procedures.
Did you know that
- we have installed photovoltaic systems at our modern company to produce CO2-neutral electricity?
- we recycle plastic waste generated during production to use it as a secondary raw material for new products?
- we recycle and reuse leftover liquid concrete from the production process?
- most of our suppliers come from Germany and we therefore have short transport routes for our preliminary products?
- our company is equipped with charging stations that supply our fully electric cars with new electricity?
- we participate in Clean Advantage projects and thus compensate for the emissions of our vehicle fleet?
These are just a few examples that show that we use resources responsibly at KRASO and reduce our emissions. It is our ambition to establish many more environmentally friendly processes in the future.