Willkommen beim KRASO Profi Chat

Unsere Experten freuen sich auf Ihre Fragen.
Mo.-Do.: 07:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
und Fr.: 07:00 bis 15:30 Uhr

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+49 2872 95 35 888

30 years of employment

Behind every successful company stand engaged employees. We wouldn't stand where we stand now without the engagement and knowledge of our manager Helge Krüger. He has been and still is the main supporter of the KRASO team: he knows what is going on, how to tackle things himself, he advises and guides new colleagues, optimises our production and takes care of the good quality of our products. His knowledge as well as his collegiality are appreciated by the management as well as colleagues. Therefore we all thank Helge for his commitment, co-operation and 30 years of employment!